Payment can be made in a number of ways, including:
- Cash or Electronic Transfer on personal delivery of product
- Credit Card (Amex, Visa or MasterCard) via the secure PayPal option listed below or via Electronic Transfer for non-personally delivered projects (pre-paid)
- We also have a mobile EFTPOS machine for your convenience
After obtaining a quote:
For PayPal/Credit Card payments, press the appropriate “Add to Cart” button below and follow the prompts.
Important Note
If you are in any way unsure about the package you require, or what you receive in any of these packages, please do not hesitate to call us or contact us via our Contact page for a full description, including details about our outstanding ongoing service to you.
Package 1: Resume
- Preparation of Resume
- 2 Printed Copies
- 3 Specific Cover Letters (Single Page)
- USB Thumb Drive (Word and PDF formats)
- Registered Post (If required)
Regular Price $170
Package 2: Resume for Concession Card Holders
Regular Price $150
Package 3: Selection Criteria (2 Pages)
Regular Price $60
Package 4: Selection Criteria (3 to 4 Pages)
Addressing Selection Criteria bullet points individually, 3 to 4 pages, including all hard copies + Postage (If required). Add fee for preparation of Resume if required
Regular Price $90
Package 5: Cover Letters (After First 3 Inclusive Ones)
Single page cover letters addressing the requirements of the advertised position
Regular Price $25
Package 6: Resume Upgrade (Under 1 year of Original)
Any upgrade performed for a resume under 12 months old
Regular Price $80
Package 7: Resume Upgrade (1 to 2 years)
Any upgrade performed for a resume from 1 to 2 years old
Regular Price $100
Package 8: Resume Upgrade (2 to 4 years)
Any upgrade performed for a resume from 2 to 4 years old
Regular Price $125
Package 9: Resume Upgrade (Over 4 years)
Upgrades of resumes that we have prepared more than 4 years ago
Regular Price $170
Package 10: Online Applications
If we are required to use login details and upload applications online, and we maintain the login details securely offline
Regular Price $20
Package 11: Replacement USB Flash Drives
Any replacement USB Memory Sticks/Flash Drives
Regular Price $15
Package 12: Resumes for Under 16 Age Group
Fee reduction of 20% for this age group
Regular Price $135
Package 13: Multiple Resumes for Family
2 resumes completed for family members at the same time, fee reduction of 10%
Regular Price $300
Package 14: Re-writing Resumes from Another Source
We don’t edit other people’s work. We re-write them in our own format
Regular Price $170
We advise that pre-payment is the preferred method of payment via PayPal, using the appropriate ‘add to cart’ buttons and following the prompts, or by providing your credit card details over the phone or at the initial appointment in person, or by EFT to our bank account for which we will provide the details. Importantly, we provide you with drafts of the work performed and make whatever adjustments are necessary so that you are comfortable with the finished product. This truly is ‘Satisfaction Guaranteed.’